Where does C2C operate?

C2C will value property anywhere in South Africa, however we specialise in Gauteng and surrounding provinces.

What is market value?

The probable price that a willing and informed purchaser will pay a willing and informed seller in a normal open market transaction at the date of valuation, in a voluntary transaction. No one can absolutely determine the market value of a property.

What does a valuation cost?

There are many variables in calculating the cost of a valuation such as distance, size of property, reason for valuing etc. The easiest way to obtain the cost is to contact us or send an email to Brian@C2Csa.co.za, and we will get an obligation free quote to you promptly.

Why use a property valuer instead of an estate agent?

A property valuer is a trained and qualified professional. The property valuer will provide an independent report on the property. The valuer has no financial interest in the property. When an estate agent is valuing your property there are a few things to consider.

An estate agent does not value your property but rather offers an opinion on what the property may sell for and there is no legal requirement for the opinion to be accurate or for the agent to be accountable. The estate agent is also motivated by monetary factors and this can influence their opinion of the value of your property.

They may overvalue property to ensure that you list the property with them.

Most property sellers will be flattered when they are told an inflated value for their property and the seller will allow the agent to market their property. This results in two things.

  • Firstly the agent lists the property on a data base and will get a commission if the property is sold, even if the agent who listed the property did not sell the property.
  • Secondly, the seller is bound by a contract and the only way to sell the property within a reasonable time, is to reduce the asking price

The agent may undervalue the sellers property to ensure that the property sells quickly. This allows the agent to easily find a buyer and allows the agent to get their commission quickly and with reduced advertising costs and effort.

Agents may also  undervalue property to personally buy your property and then sell at an inflated profit

What is a cap rate?

The cap rate is a term that refers to the income capitalisation method of valuing which is based on the capitalisation of the nett income generated by the property and is achieved by the algebraic manipulation of the formula:

Value = Nett Income / Capitalization Rate

The capitalisation rate, known in valuer jargon as “cap rate”,  is determined by analysing sales of similar commercial property in the same area, to determine the selling price and the expenses of the properties which have sold. These selling price and expenses are then used to generate a cap rate

What is a servitude?

A servitude is a right which may belong to one person over the land belonging to another person. Servitude arise out of many varied requirements.

An example would be where the owner of a piece of land A would like an access road across land owner B’s land. If A and B can agree on a price B will accept a servitude on his land to allow A unhindered use of the agreed piece of land.

The servitude is registered at the Deeds Office and the servitude is registered in favour of the owner of land A and is effective even if the owner of land A sells the property to another buyer.

This is an example of one of the simplest forms of servitude and there are many other examples of servitudes.

What is expropriation?

Expropriation is generally the process where the state dispossesses an owner of his right of ownership, without his consent. The process occurs in terms of the Expropriation Act.

What is consent use?

Consent use occurs where for example a property is zoned for residential purposes such as  a house and the owner would like to use the property as offices. Generally the easiest way to legally operate offices from the house would be to apply for consent from the municipality , hence consent use

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Phone010 500 4852
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C2C Property Valuations


Send an email with the address of the property that you would like valued and we will send you an obligation free quotation or phone if you would like to discuss your specific requirements.


Address: Across Gauteng

Phone: 010 500 4852